Quest Requirements:
Skill/Other Requirements:
Quests Unlocked/Partially Unlocked by completing this Quest:
Items Needed at Quest Start:
5-10 Coins, Spade*, Garlic, and a Fishing rod*.

* This item works if you already have it on your Toolbelt.
Items Needed to Complete Quest:
Items Recommended for Quest:
Items Acquired During Quest:
Quest Points:
2437 Fishing XP, access to the underground tunnel of the Mountain Dwarves, to use the 'Scale Catherby Cliff' shortcut, and 2 free keys for Treasure Hunter.
Start Point:
West or East of the White Wolf Mountain.
To Start:
Talk to Austri or Vestri.
  1. Talk to one of the dwarves Austri or Vestri that guard the caves on each side of White Wolf Mountain. Ask what is hidden in the caves, only to have the dwarf refusing to tell you. Say that if he were your friend you wouldn't mind, to which the dwarf responds that "you are not friends". Suggest to become friends. The dwarf will think about it and ask you for a favor to become friends. He tells you about a fishing contest in the small village of Hemenster and gives you a fishing pass to enter the competition. He tells you if you get the trophy, he will let you use their pass under the mountain, a tunnel with a Mine cart station and dwarven pub, as a shortcut in the future, as it is faster than traversing the mountain as well as safer, considering the wolves.

    Quest Starting Point1

    Quest Starting Point2

  2. Head West to the Northern edge of McGrubor's woods, North of Hemenster, where you will find a loose railing.

    If you have unlocked the lodestone, you can easily use the Seers' Village lodestone. While you're in the area, it is reccommended to unlock this if you have not.

    Squeeze through and walk to the Western side. Find a red vine and use its "Check Vine" option using a Spade to obtain a Red vine worm. Get hold 2-3 worms and leave the woods.

    Note: The guard dogs will attack you if you get too close.

    McGrubor's Woods

  3. Make your way South to Hemenster and try to enter the fishing area. Morris will inform you that you will need the Fishing pass. Show him your pass and he will let you in. Enter the fishing area and talk to Sinister Stranger, who will say that he does not like sun. When you tell him that he is a vampire, he will not accept it. Speak to Bonzo and tell him that you want to start the competition. Pay him 5 Coins and he will tell you that your fishing spot is beside the willow tree.


  4. Place a clove of Garlic in one of the wall pipes and the vampire will say that there is a bad smell. Bonzo will then tell you that your fishing spot is beside the pipes. Fish there until you get a Raw giant carp. Talk to Bonzo and he will give you a Fishing trophy.

    Note: If you forgot to bring a Garlic, then head over to the Seers' Village and go inside the house South-West of the bank. Pick up a Garlic from the table.

    Wall Pipes

  5. Return to Austri or Vestri and present him with the trophy. The dwarves will be happy and from now on allow you to use their underground passage.

    Congratulations! Quest Complete!

    Quest Complete

This Quest Guide was written by Henry-x and Zooom. Thanks to Weezyrowe, stormer, MuH-K0o0o, robcolbie, eiragon, karatekid012345, DRAVAN, Caramon210, Germ, Eragallblade, da1bearsfan, Alfawarlord, carona skill, Brenden, Masterlogo2, KDraven, Zooom and Rooskii. for corrections.
This Quest Guide was entered into the database on Sun, Feb 15, 2004, at 11:36:56 AM by Weezy and CJH, and it was last updated on Sat, Dec 31, 2016, at 09:58:38 PM by Rooskii.

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