Quest Requirements:
Skill/Other Requirements:
Quests Unlocked/Partially Unlocked by completing this Quest:
Items Needed at Quest Start:
Items Needed to Complete Quest:
Items Recommended for Quest:
Food, Activated the lodestone at Falador, and Law altar tablet.
Items Acquired During Quest:
Quest Points:
5K Fletching XP, 5K Runecrafting XP, 6.5K Smithing XP, and 2 Treasure Hunter keys.
Start Point:
West of the Temple on the river Salve.
To Start:
Speak to the Monk there.
  1. Talk to the Monk west of the temple. He will ask you to make a new weapon for his warriors.


  2. Take a Mithril 2h sword to Doric's house north of Falador and use it with Doric's whetstone. Grind it down to make a Slender blade, then add the Bow string to it to make a Bow-sword.


  3. After returning the Bow-sword to the monk, he will give you an Orb to take to the church on Entrana. However, you must do this without being seen entering the island and he will suggest using the Abyss to access the Law altar and tell you to store the Orb in a Large pouch to prevent it from being damaged.

    Use the Orb on the Large pouch to get an Illuminated large pouch and make your way into inner ring of the Abyss which can be accessed via the Mage of Zamorak found in the Wilderness just north of Edgeville. Alternatively, you can use a Law altar tablet to teleport you outside the altar and avoid using the Abyss completely.

    Note: Mage of Zamorak won't teleport you to the Abyss if you haven't completed the Mage of Zamorak miniquest. Secondly, you cannot take any armor or weapons to Entrana, even through the Abyss so make sure you bank these beforehand.


  4. Once in the inner ring of Abyss, use the Law altar portal on the northeast side to teleport to the Law altar. Make your way to the church on the southern side of Entrana. Use the Illuminated large pouch on the altar inside the church, and you will see a cutscene. Afterwards, talk to the local High Priest to find out what happened. He will tell you to visit the monk to investigate.

    Note: You do lose your Large pouch with this action.


  5. Search the dead monk that you find there to learn that he has been killed by powerful magic.


  6. Return to the High Priest on Entrana. He will tell you to go speak to Sir Tiffy Cashien in Falador Park.

  7. Talk to Sir Tiffy Cashien to complete the quest.

    Congratulations! Quest Complete!

    Quest Complete

This Quest Guide was written by Digipoke. Thanks to Im4eversmart, Fireball0236, crypto416, Halk 5, princefalcon, pretty_baby, TheChoosen1, Zevenberge, Pet Chicken, kassandra, Double_D_Edd, High Vortex, Jarkur, DarkPyroNinja, and Olllivander for corrections.
This Quest Guide was entered into the database on Mon, Dec 19, 2005, at 02:46:41 PM by Im4eversmart, and it was last updated on Sun, Mar 11, 2018, at 01:50:05 PM by ChathMurrpau.

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