Quest Requirements:
Skill/Other Requirements:
Items Needed at Quest Start:
Leather gloves, 2 Clean tarromin, 2 Vials of water, Watering can (Toolbelt doesn't work), Armor, and a Weapon.
Items Needed to Complete Quest:
Items Recommended for Quest:
Items Acquired During Quest:
Quest Points:
4K Farming XP, 5K Herblore XP, 5K Constitution XP, 6K Agility XP, 6K Thieving XP, 14K Woodcutting XP, a Dwarven helmet, and 2 free keys for Treasure Hunter.
Start Point:
Near a farming patch, south of Taverley.
To Start:
Speak to Sylas.
  1. Speak to Sylas next to a farming patch, located just outside of Falador's west wall. He will tell you about his Magic beans. To get your hands on some, you will need to bring him a Griffin's feather, from a griffin named Grimgnash on White Wolf Mountain, and Rupert's helmet from Rupert the Beard, in a tower a between Ice Mountain and the Goblin Village.

    Note: The easiest way to reach Sylas is by using the Taverley lodestone and then running south.

    Sylas; Start of Quest

  2. Proceed to the northeastern part of White Wolf Mountain and talk to Grimgnash. Brag about him being a powerful griffin and then tell him a bedtime story. Talk to him again to begin narrating the following story (See Below). As soon as Grimgnash has fallen asleep, grab a Griffin's feather from the nearby pile and return to Sylas.

    1. There once was a graveyard filled with undead.
    2. There lived a skeleton named Skullrot.
    3. Skullrot was insane!
    4. Skullrot hungrily grabbed the gnome's hair.
    5. Started to strangle the poor gnome.
    6. He saw a big axe leaning on the wall.
    Note: If you say anything incorrectly to him he will bite you, dealing damage up to 20% of your current Life points. The easiest way to reach the White Wolf Mountain is by using the Burthorpe lodestone and then running southwest.


  3. Head to the little tower a between Ice Mountain and the Goblin Village. Climb over its eastern crumbling wall and then talk into the drain pipe to learn that Rupert the Beard has been imprisoned at the top of the tower by princess Miazrqa. Talk into the pipe again and suggest that you can climb up. Then, ask him if there is anything in the tower that could help and he will let down his beard.

    Note: The easiest way to reach the Goblin Village is by using a Goblin Village teleport sphere, or the Falador lodestone and then running north

    Crumbling Wall

  4. Climb up the beard and talk to Rupert the Beard again. He inform you that princess Miazrqa, wandering around outside, is related to the witch last seen with Winkin the gnome, who disappeared when he was delivering ogleroots to the market in Draynor Village. Rupert will then tell you the princess imprisoned him when he tried questioning her about it. He will then ask you to go speak to the princess.


  5. Climb down the beard and talk to Miazrqa, wandering around north of the tower. Choose for the option "second cousin, twice removed". She will then tell you that she will let Rupert go if you retrieve her Pendant from the witch's house in Taverley. Before leaving, ask her for the Door key to the witch's house.


  6. Make your way to the witch's house, south of Taverley, and head inside using the Door key. Go into the northern room and then climb down the ladder into the basement.

    Note: The easiest way to reach the witch's house is by using the Taverley lodestone and then running south.

    Witch's House

  7. Once inside the basement, put on any pair of leather gloves. Go through the gate and grab the Music sheet from the stand. Go back through the gates and play the notes from the sheet on the piano until a secret compartment opens. The correct notes are Upper E, Upper F, Upper E, Upper D, Upper C, Lower A, Lower E, Lower G, Lower A. Search the piano to find 2 Shrunk ogleroots, a Shrinking potion recipe, and a To-do list.

    Note: If you open the gate whilst not wearing leather gloves, you will take damage equal to 20% of your current Life points.



  8. Go back up the ladder and head over to the mouse hole to the south. Read the shrinking recipe and then prepare two Shrink-me-quick potions by adding Clean tarromin and Shrunk ogleroot to a Vial of water. Drink one of the potions and you will go through the hole.


  9. Once inside the mouse hole, you will have to find your way through a maze of rooms by climbing up and down nails. Follow the directions below to find your way through. Once you've reached the end of it, pick up Miazrqa's pendant from the floor and teleport out.

    1. Climb up the nails near the middle of the room, along the eastern wall.
    2. Walk to the southwest side of the room and then climb the nails on the northern wall.
    3. Climb up another set of nails just south of where you ended up.
    4. Head to the northeast part of the room and climb down the nails.
    5. Run north and climb up a final set nails to reach a room with a pendant.
    Note: Beware of Mice (level 61) along the way.

    Nails and Pendant

  10. Return to Miazrqa and give her her Pendant. She will then free Rupert the Beard, who on his turn will give you his Helmet. Now, take both Rupert's helmet and the Griffin feather to Sylas. In exchange, he will give you some Magic beans, which you must plant. Plant the beans in the magic bean patch, next to Sylas, and water them. A beanstalk will grow.


  11. Prepare yourself for combat and climb up the beanstalk. Now, you will have to kill Glod (level 68). Beware, he can drain your prayer, turn off your prayers at will, and he can heal himself to up to half of his health. If you wish to attack him using Ranged or Magic, then hide behind the pillars and rocks. However, when fighting behind a safe spot, he will taunt you into leaving your spot and fighting him face to face. Turn on protect from melee when he does.

    Note: Pets and familiars are not allowed up the beanstalk, whether they are following you or in your inventory.


  12. Once Glod has been killed, pick up the Golden goblin and return to Sylas. He will then tell you to cut down the beanstalk. Use the last Shrink-me-quick potion on it and then cut it down.

    Note: If you lost the potion, then you will have to gather each of the ingredients again. To obtain a new Shrunk ogleroot, climb down the manhole near the witch's house and kill one of the Experiments (level 64).

    Chop Beanstalk

  13. Talk to Sylas to claim your reward.

    Congratulations! Quest Complete!

    Quest Complete

This Quest Guide was written by Sir_Bob126 and Im4eversmart. Thanks to lupin, sksfrontiers, theundeadgod, Cfaman2004, Crypto416, trekkie, Artemicia, Orangeboy201, Bob, powotae, Hotwheels_10, Alfawarlord, and Ross3834 for corrections.
This Quest Guide was entered into the database on Mon, Jun 04, 2007, at 11:14:21 AM by Im4eversmart, and it was last updated on Fri, Aug 21, 2015, at 09:36:46 AM by Jarkur.

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