Quest Requirements:
Skill/Other Requirements:
Quests Unlocked/Partially Unlocked by completing this Quest:
Items Needed at Quest Start:
Items Needed to Complete Quest:
Items Recommended for Quest:
Amulet of glory (4) or 60 Coins, and 4 Watchtower teleport methods or a Ring of duelling (8).
Items Acquired During Quest:
Quest Points:
1K Thieving XP, 9K Crafting XP, Bert will deliver 84 Buckets of sand to your bank daily if you talk to him, and 2 Treasure Hunter keys.
Start Point:
House north the pub in Yanille.
To Start:
Speak with Bert.
  1. Talk to Bert in his house on the west side of Yanille and he'll tell you that he fears losing his job because he found a hand in his sand pit. Agree to help him find out how it got there and he'll give you a Sandy hand and tell you to talk to the Guard Captain in the Dragon Inn.

    Note: The easiest way to reach Yanille is via the Yanille lodestone home teleport.


  2. Enter the pub to the south and talk to the Guard Captain. He will ask for more beer, so give him a Beer and ask him about the hand. He'll take the Sandy hand and accidentally drop it into his beer turning it into a Beer soaked hand, then he'll tell you to go to the Wizards' Guild and to ask someone there about it.

    Guard Captain

  3. Head east to Wizards' Guild, ring the bell outside and Zavistic Rarve will appear next you to you. Talk to him about the hand and he'll tell you that the hand belongs to an apprentice wizard called Clarence. He now asks you to find out more about who might have done this to him.

    Zavistic Rarve

  4. Head back to Bert and he'll tell you that he works for the Sandy Sand Co. in Brimhaven and give you a copy of his Rota.

  5. Go to Brimhaven and talk with Sandy at his office northwest of the pub. Once the conversation has ended, search his desk to obtain Sandy's rota. If you read the rotas, you will notice that they don't match. Before you leave the island, pickpocket Sandy and you'll obtain some Sand that will come into play later on in the quest.

    Note: The easiest way to reach Brimhaven is via the Karamja lodestone home teleport.


  6. Head back to Bert again and give him the two rotas. He'll now give you A magic scroll that appeared in his room the other day and suggests asking the wizards what it is.

  7. Ring the bell at the Wizards' Guild and talk to Zavistic Rarve again. He'll give you a Magical orb and tell you to put it in Sandy's office. He'll also ask you to get some Truth serum from Betty in Port Sarim. Talk to him again and give him a Vial and he'll teleport you straight to Betty.

  8. Once you are at the rune shop in Port Sarim, talk to Betty who will ask for a Vial. Give her the Vial and she will give you some Bottled water. She will then tell you that in order to make the serum, you must first add Redberries and then White berries to it. By mixing all the ingredients you will receive a bottle of Pink dye.

    Now use the Pink dye with the Lantern lens and you will get a Rose-tinted lens. Talk to Betty again and she will put a vial on the counter. Stand in the door opening and use the Rose-tinted lens with the vial to receive Truth serum. Talk to her again and she will add the Sand you obtained earlier to it to finish the Truth serum.


  9. Return to Brimhaven and talk to Sandy again. Try to distract him using any of the options. If it works he will look away and a message box will appear saying that it is time to put the serum in his drink. If he doesn't look away and says "I'm not falling for that one", then you will have to try another option. When he does look away, use the Truth serum with the mug on the table.


  10. Now, activate the orb and ask Sandy all of the available questions. He will tell you that he changed the rota so he would not have to pay Bert more for working longer, bribed a wizard to make Bert forget what the original rota said, and then killed the wizard because he didn't want to get caught.

  11. Make your way back to Yanille and give Zavistic Rarve the Magical orb (a). He will ask for 5 Earth runes and a Bucket of sand. Give them to him and with the help of magic, he will refill Bert's sandpit so that he no longer has to work anymore. Zavistic Rarve will then tell you to go to the Entrana sandpit to see if you can find the rest of the dead wizard.


  12. Head to the bank in eastern part of Yanille and deposit any armor or weapons. Once you are on Entrana, head to the sand pit in the southwestern part of the island. Talk to Mazion nearby to receive the Wizard's head.

    Note: The easiest way to reach Entrana is via the Port Sarim lodestone home teleport and board the boat to Entrana.


  13. Return to Zavistic Rarve to claim your reward.

    Congratulations! Quest Complete!

    Quest Complete

Additional Rewards:

Once you have completed the quest, Bert no longer has a job because the wizards gave him enough gold for the rest of his life and made the sandpits refill themselves. You can ask him to bring 84 Buckets of sand to your bank each day. However, you will have to talk to him every day if you want to get the Buckets of sand delivered. You can also buy Pink dye from Betty in Port Sarim for 20 Coins each.

This Quest Guide was written by Watsermetjou. Thanks to pretty baby, Alex201285, mamyles1, SchmackyEvil, vortex_hero, choramizzu, digsbe, varinathras, magicblade28, XP Derp, minion887, Arezek, yuan43, Max7892, XsMiner, Lina_Chan, Fireball0236, Alfawarlord, Earthhhh, Its me ERIC, and Smexy Sarah for corrections.
This Quest Guide was entered into the database on Tue, Jan 10, 2006, at 10:01:39 PM by DRAVAN, and it was last updated on Thu, Aug 24, 2017, at 05:49:25 AM by Numerous One.

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