Quest Requirements:
Skill/Other Requirements:
Quests Unlocked/Partially Unlocked by completing this Quest:
Items Needed at Quest Start:
Items Needed to Complete Quest:
Items Recommended for Quest:
Flower and egg.
Items Acquired During Quest:
Quest Points:
300 Cooking XP, 500 coins, 20 sardines, permission to use the Cook's range and 2 Treasure Hunter keys. Ability to use the Permission to use the Cook-o-matic 25.
Start Point:
To Start:
Talk to the Cook on the first floor in the kitchen.
  1. Speak to the Cook on the south side of the first floor of Lumbridge Castle and ask him what is wrong. He will explain how he forgot to buy the ingredients for a cake he needs to make for Duke Horacio's birthday. He asks if you could help fetch the items for him. Agree to help him. There are three ingredients you have to find: Flour, Milk, and a Egg.


    (NOTE: If you dont currently have one a pot in your inventory , there is one sitting on the table in the room.)
  2. Leave Lumbridge Castle and head northwest, following the path until you come to a field full of wheat with a windmill next to it. Go into the field and click on one of the wheat stalks to pick some Wheat.

    Wheat field

  3. You'll now need to grind up the Wheat into flour. Go inside windmill and talk to Millie Miller. Climb the ladder up to the top floor and once there, use your wheat with the hopper and operate the controls. Head back down to the first floor and pick up the Pot on the table and then take your freshly ground flour from the flour bin.


  4. Now it's time to obtain the egg. These eggs can be picked up at Fred the Farmer's farm to the east of the windmill, or from any chicken. Simply open the gate and pick up the egg.

    Egg spawn

  5. Next, head to the cow field east of Lumbridge, across the bridge next to the furnace and look for the Dairy cow on the east side of the field. Pick up the Bucket and click on the Prized dairy cow to 'Milk' her and obtain some Milk.

    Diary cow

  6. Now that you have gathered all three ingredients, head back to the Cook in Lumbridge Castle and talk to him to receive your reward.

    Congratulations! Quest Complete!

    Completed Scroll

Post-Quest Information

If you completed this quest before the update, then you are able to speak to the Cook again to receive an award of 500 Coins and 20 Sardines.

This Quest Guide was written by henry-x and Sccrluk9. Thanks to Xander_7, DRAVAN, Jakesterwars, Shebok10, The-Smore, TitanofLife, and Javezz for corrections.
This Quest Guide was entered into the database on Sat, Feb 21, 2004, at 04:19:36 PM by Weezy and CJH, and it was last updated on Wed, Jul 11, 2018, at 12:47:58 AM by DRAVAN.

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